Sunday, May 31, 2009

Rayo's First Haircut--Shearing Day 2009

It's me, Rayo from ShaDo Alpacas.   I get to be the official spoke-paca for Shearing Day 2009!  I am so excited!  Well, really I am just glad it's all over now, cuz it was my first time getting a hair cut.  I did NOT like it, but I was very brave.  I must show those big boys who's really the boss around here.

Special thanks to everyone who came out to help with our shearing day.  I heard Mom and Dad say that they couldn't have done it without you!  I also wanted to thank Franc and Ruben for taking such good care of my herdmates and me.    We have tons of pictures up in our gallery, check it out at MY GALLERY.

If you have any pictures you’d like to include in our gallery, please send them our way.  You can reach us at 

I also wanted to tell everyone that I love visitors.  Please contact us to schedule a farm visit.  We’ll be opening a farm store later this summer and there might even be some products made from MY fiber one of these days.  Right now, we have socks for sale on our website and I hear they are amazing.

I’m getting pretty big now, but I won’t be the baby of the herd for long.  Cashew, Paris, Northstar, Imlay and Juliette are all due to have crias this year so check back soon for updates on the new babies.  Better yet, sign up for the ShaDo Alpacas newsletter at to get the latest news FIRST! 

We are also on Facebook now.  Feel free to check us out and add yourself as a fan!  I’m pretty busy now with all this Facebook stuff, posting on our blog and posing for the thousands of pictures that Mom insists on taking.  You’d think I was a movie star or something the way she follows me around with that camera. 

Well, I’ve got to run now.  It’s time for me to pronk my way around my paca-run and get the other boys to chase me.  Mokka always tries to race me, but I’m still the fastest….I’m named after lightning, after all……….Happy Pronking!