Saturday, June 20, 2009

New Cria's Birth Slideshow

Cashew and Northstar both gave birth to little boys on Friday June 19th. This slideshow captures both births and the cria's first day with their herd. Names are pending....right now I'm calling them Hank and Max instead of Cashew's baby, etc.

I still can't believe these two went into labor on me at the exact same time! Everything went fine, luckily my only problem was trying to figure out who to photograph and when. Cashew is an experienced Mom, but this was Northstar's first cria. She did great, immediately started caring for her little boy and is a very attentive Mom.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Latest Edition

Please welcome Disco, Luc's new little sister. She is living with Luc and the alpacas and is learning how to protect them from predators. Ok, right now she's really just jumping all over Luc and pulling his tail and doing all the things that annoying little sisters do....but she'll get it soon enough! She is 8 weeks old, and has already learned her name and that if she SITS, she'll get attention, so she's fitting in perfectly!